Technical Officiating is a large part of swimming and we welcome having people involved in officiating and growing themselves within the technical pathway.
The Technical Assessors in our region at present are Keith Bone - 021 2426535.. and Janet Joblin - 022 6316417.. Both are National Referees. Janet Joblin was appointed to the SNZ Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) in 2023.
HBPB Swimming Technical Committee
Members of the HBPB Swimming Technical Committee are: Erin Jenkins (Chair), Anna Duly, Keith Bone, and Donna Blair.
HBPB Swimming as a sport is extremely reliant on volunteers and officials - at a committee level, and also as technical officials in order to run the competitive side of swimming.
As a region we are fortunate to have a good volunteer base, but encourage any additional parents/friends of the sport to contact HBPB Swimming regarding the pathway to get involved in the technical side of swimming,. Join the friendly team!
All accredited Technical Officials are required to be Police Vetted.
The Inspector of Turns observesathletes from the end of the lane(s) toensure that the starts, turns, andfinishes comply with the rules applicable to each stroke. This is the start for those wanting to be a Technical Official
The Judge of Stroke walks abreast ofthe swimmers, observing them toensure compliance with the rulesrelating to each stroke over the entirerace.. Becoming a JOS comes after gaining experience as an IOT.
The Starter ensures that all athletes receive a fair and equitable start. The Starter works closely with the Referee,assuming the responsibility of therace start at the Referee’s signal.
The Referee has overall authority andresponsibility over all officials and ensures compliance with all the rules. This is the senior position poolside and referees are knowledgeable and experienced across all areas of officiating.
The Timekeeper takes and records theswimmer's time. Timekeeping is arguably the most important role at ameet. We owe it to our swimmers to record their times accurately so theyare correctly recognised for their performance.
The Chief Timekeeper operates two stopwatches. On one stopwatch he/she takes the first time for the race, recording this. The second watch is used as a backup watch in case this is required. The Chief Timekeepers has the important role of ensuring that the tiimekeepers are accurately recording times.
Marshals are responsible for organising athletes into their correct lanes 4-6 heats prior to their race, and ensuring athletes arrive behind the blocks on time.
The AOE (Automatic Officiating Equipment) Operator is responsible for setting upand operating the control console, touch pads, starting system and scoreboards.
The Control Room Meet Software Operator is responsible for data entry, athlete seeding, and meet results.
Become a Technical Official
HBPB Swimming
348 Epae Road RD2
Waipukurau 4282
Tel: 068554947 or 027 7280734
Email: swimhbpb@gmail.com